Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday September 19th

Hey peoples sorry didn't write yesterday I was at my sister's softball game. Anyways today in class we played a game it's called Life you all have probably heard of it so yeah it was funny a kid named Jesse he said that he got married so he put a boy in the seat next to him and then he had twins so he got two boy twins it was funny any who! So you guys read my first comment on Tuesday? Chinchila is the girl I like in my CTE class, I wonder if she is reading this? oh yeah hey sis if your reading this good game :p

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday 9/16/08

Today I did pretty good in school I had a cheese burger for lunch yeah woo hoo so that was exiting next was P.E. that was cool we played flag football [set hike] lol um? math wasn't exciting Art was fun to i got to get dirty i was wearing a tanish jacket and we were using chalk and that was my exiting day, bye.